The journey began with a rough period in my life. In order to learn how to to deal with it, I sought help in books. I paid frequent visits to the nearest Borders bookstore, at first reading about relaxation and meditation techniques. My reading on meditation led to more reading on Buddhism, which puts great emphasis on meditation as part of the practice.
Over the years, I've read many valuable teachings on the practice. Here are five books I would recommend to anyone seeking to know more about Buddhism.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Sogyal Rinpoche's work is a modern classic. The title riffs on the more famous and older work, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which is more of a study on what happens after death in the bardos. This book deals with an entire life (and death) as a practitioner. It is written in simple language, and is meant to be consumed by those who are new to the belief. I've read it twice, and it renews my resolve to practice each time. For a good, comprehensive introduction, I would offer this book.
The Words of My Perfect Teacher

The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

Heart Advice from a Mahamudra Master

Zurchungpa's Testament

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